Jakarta, June 2, 2014, Clinique Suisse 7th’s anniversary celebration which held on May 25, 2014 at the Magnolia Ballroom, Grand Mahakam Hotel Jakarta has held the event with the theme “Experience Vaserlipo Treat Unwanted Fat Together Mona Ratuliu and Dr. Laurentius Ariawan, Med .SpBP ” in this event, one of Indonesian celebrities whose names is so familiar, Mona Ratuliu told us all the secrets about Vaser Liposelection she has done on April 7, 2014. The operation is performed in the area of arms and make a lot of changes to the maximum. The cumulative total fat doctor putted out on the arm area is as much as 2050 cc. Looking amazing results then Mona decides the next 3 months will want to do again a Vaser Liposelection in her thigh area. Described by Dr. Lawrence Ariawan, Med.SpBP Vaser Liposelection combines patented technology with leading-edge surgical techniques for shaping the body (body contouring) and eliminate unwanted fat permanently. With ultrasound technology (FDA Approved) melted fat in advance to get smoother results and optimal healing takes place relatively quickly and minimize or reduce distractions such as nerves and blood vessels. Liposelection besides designed to scrape the stubborn fat in the body as fat in the abdomen, arms, back, underarms and thighs and Vaser Liposelection also can be used to shape a delicate areas such as the chin, neck, and hands down. Not only the inner skin layer of fat are destroyed but the fat in the outer skin layers. So it can help the skin to retract (skin absorption) so that the skin does not sag and toned after the action. The way it works, the whole layer of fat can be taken to the maximum and uninterrupted blood vessel cells. Interestingly fat waste also includes core cells that produce fat fat together hormone triggers appetite (lecithin) so it will last a long slender body and even permanent. Different from the previous generation of long suction, Liposelection is a simple surgery that rely on skill surgeons who are experts and are highly experienced and supported by Vaser machine. This procedure is much in demand because it promises instant results and permanent. To perform Vaser Liposelection no specific age limit to undergo this procedure.

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